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7 Signs That You Are Not As Emotionally Intelligent As You Think

7 Signs That You Are Not As Emotionally Intelligent As You Think

Success in all walks of life; from your social relationships to professional demeanour, is strongly influenced by personal qualities such as perseverance, self-control and skill in getting along with others. Much has been written in an earlier post about what emotional intelligence entails. To conclude, see these 7 signs that spell you are not as emotionally intelligent as...

Emotional Intelligence: Signs that you are not as emotionally intelligent as you think

Emotional Intelligence: Signs that you are not as emotionally intelligent as you think

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to recognize, evaluate and manage effectively, your own emotions, and the emotions of those around you. Whereas, Emotional Quotient (EQ) is a term used in science to identify the level of emotional intelligence in human beings. Having high EI means that you know yourself (what makes you happy, sad, angry, shy...