Home Fashion Effortless Ways To Stylishly Dress Your Kids Without Breaking The Bank

Effortless Ways To Stylishly Dress Your Kids Without Breaking The Bank

Effortless Ways To Stylishly Dress Your Kids Without Breaking The Bank

As a young mother or would-be mom, you never leave your stylish self behind, It goes with you wherever you go; whether for a lunch with your girls, a kid’s party or even when you visit your parents’! So, why should your kids be left behind? They must also look their best to be able to outshine the crowd. This is a chance to style them while they are young and willing to get on board with it(try getting your teenager to do a mini me, lol!) Start flexing your creative muscles now:Image result for BLACK kids stylishly

Let Them Be Comfortable

Personally my number one rule of fashion styling is comfort. As stylish as you want your kids to look, you should let them be comfortable in their outfits, whether its a head-wrap, shoes or hairstyle.

Coordinate Styles 

Have fun dressing your kids in mini versions of your clothing to seem style coordinated at times. Please note to keep it simple, try not to go overboard because it is not just about you- she is still a child!

Be Creative, Style One Outfit In More Than One Way

One truth is that kids can have all the clothes in the world and still not look as good as you want them, however one can try pairing that favourite pair of jeans short with a cartoon tee-shirt and ballerina flats, you can also put together a denim jacket over the shorts and a pair of white sneakers.

Always Stay Ahead Of The Game

Shop ahead of time. Kids grow fast, you sure want to have the right outfit as they grow. You can buy affordable pieces at Pep store, Mr price, ruffle and tumble or max store around your residence.

Allow Them To Be Kids

Do not over dress your kids in a way that leaves them looking like adults. They will have their time-which will be enough when they are older. Allow them have fun as kids!

Accessorize The Outfit

For instance- A cute little belt at the waist on an over-sized shirt for girls and cool boots over a clean look for boys. Invest in statement pieces like hair bows, bracelets, wrist watches, belts, necklaces and earrings etc.


Photo source: Google images

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