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7 Major Habits that Cause Rapid Aging

7 Major Habits that Cause Rapid Aging

As we approach the dawn of our lives, several people dread the aging. Everyone loves to look good and youthful. You’d often wonder why some mothers in their 60’s call themselves “sisi-mama” and the fathers, “baby boy”.  It is because we all love the young graceful look. At some point in time, these looks will come and we would...

6 Healthy Ways on Proper Ear Care

6 Healthy Ways on Proper Ear Care

The Ear is a very important and sensitive organ of the body and it is advised to take good care of it, it is quite delicate unlike some other part of the body. The little careless things we do can leave it with damage than we expect. There are several healthy ways to give your...

Dealing With Menstrual Cramps During Your Monthly Flow

Dealing With Menstrual Cramps During Your Monthly Flow

Menstrual cramps also called Dysmenorrhea are painful sensations felt in the lower abdomen. They can occur before and/or during a woman’s menstruation. The pain could be sometimes mild or unbearable. Pain, cramps and discomfort during menstrual periods is normal. Excessive pain that causes you to miss the days’ activities is not. Two types of dysmenorrhea...

The Importance of Knowing your Genotype

The Importance of Knowing your Genotype

Genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual with reference to a trait or multiple traits. They are the collection of genes passed from parents to the children. You can visit for an explanation on genes) Genotypes are divided into six- AA, AC, AS, CC, SC and SS. People commonly know about the 4 basic divisions,...

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