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Natural Hair: 9 Ways To Stop Breakage From Happening

Natural Hair: 9 Ways To Stop Breakage From Happening

In grooming your Natural Hair, Breakage or what most people call shedding is almost inexcusable. I have had my share of breakage and I can tell you that breakage happens. We’ve all dealt with at one time or another. Since it’s nearly impossible to completely eliminate breakage, there are some preventative measures that one can...

8 Tips on How To Keep Your Closet Organised

8 Tips on How To Keep Your Closet Organised

Having a lot of stuff is never an issue but the problem most times is keeping your closet organized. Shoes, attire, bags, accessories, everything nice and dressy is what we women love. Everyone wants an organised wardrobe because for one its easier to see the range of outfits you have and can choose from. its difficult...

5 Trendy Ways To Wear Jeans This Season

5 Trendy Ways To Wear Jeans This Season

Most fashion trends come and go but jeans has really come to stay. It has been in existence as long as we can remember, influencing our personal style from one generation to the other.From hems to flare to mom jeans, You name it. Well instead of repeating the same style over and over again with...